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Vær med fra begyndelsen

Kære -læser Den israelske forfatter Etgar Keret har netop påbegyndt det, han betegner som en mellemting mellem litterært eksperiment og cocktailparty. Til efteråret udgiver forlaget Jensen & Dalgaard en novellesamling af Etgar Keret, men allerede nu kan du lære den israelske forfatter at kende via hans nye tiltag, om hvilket han selv skriver: "This Tuesday will mark the launch of my newsletter, 'Alphabet Soup'. Every post will feature a new text: a story, an autobiographical note, a writing tip, a poem, or a scene from a screenplay I’m still writing. Over the next few weeks you’ll be able to read 'Soulo', a story about an anti-loneliness robot who has a complicated relationship with humanity. 'Pen-Man', in which I try to reconstruct my first memory; 'Help!', a very short story about writing and stress; and 'Earth’s Only Child', the opening scene from a sci-fi series I’ll probably never film. 'Alphabet Soup' is a new place to write and conduct a fruitful dialogue with my...